Navitas at TMU – What faculty need to know

The TFA has prepared the following brief to inform members of the status of Navitas operations at TMU. This brief addresses concerns regarding the university’s partnership agreement with Navitas, the status of TFA’s Navitas grievance, and what faculty need to know when their departments are approached with Navitas participation proposals.  Executive Summary In 2020, TMU…

TFA Backgrounder: TMU Social Media Policy

Background  In spring of 2021, a donor to TMU’s School of Fashion posted a photograph with Donald Trump on her social media. The post attracted attention from students, faculty, alumni and community members at the School and many raised concerns about the donor’s implied endorsement of the former US President and his political positions and…

Say no to privatization at Algoma University

The Algoma University Faculty Association is fighting back against the privatization of their university. Faculty at Algoma U (AU) have been designing and delivering courses in a graduate certificate in Project Management since 2021. This fall, AU management has transferred course design and delivery responsibilities for this certificate to Yorkville University, a private, for-profit university with…

Update on the CUPE 233 strike

April 13, 2023 To all TFA members, On Tuesday, we advised you that CUPE 233, representing custodians, groundskeepers and maintenance workers at TMU, would be in legal strike position as of April 13th.  Following a failed mediation session at the Ministry of Labour yesterday, the union began a work-to-rule starting today (Thursday). CUPE has advised…

XFA Name Change – Phase 2 – Creating a shortlist

Your vote has been recorded, thank you for participating. ASATMU Academic Staff Association of Toronto Metropolitan University FAMU Faculty Association of Toronto Metropolitan University FATMU Faculty Association of Toronto Metropolitan University FUTMU Faculty Union of Toronto Metropolitan University LFA Lovely Faculty Association MAS TorontoMet Academic Syndicate METFA Metropolitan Faculty Association MFA Metropolitan Faculty Association MTUFA…

Open Letter From X University Faculty

Indigneous faculty at this University having written an open letter to X University calling on the university to permanently remove the Egerton Ryerson statue and to announce a commitment to rename the university. Following the lead of our Indigenous colleagues, a letter from non-indignenous faculty, to X University is also being circulated for signature. A link to…

Member News

RFA members log into your Ryerson account to view items listed under member news. If not logged in you will be directed to a login page when clicking a link. On occasion new members may not be registered by the system to view these items. If this is the case or if you have trouble…

Bargaining 2019-2021

Bargaining Updates And Briefs TFA members log into your TMU account to view. If not logged in you will be directed to a log in page when clicking a link. On occasion new members may not be registered by the system to view these items. If this is the case or if you have trouble…