The Executive is the governing body of the TFA between General Membership meetings. It consists of the President, the Vice-Presidents Internal and External, the Treasurer, the Secretary, four Chairs of Standing Committees (Negotiating, Grievance, Equity, Professional Affairs), the Health and Safety Officer and two Members at Large. It meets every two weeks during the academic year and reports to the membership at the General Membership meetings.
For a complete description of the duties of each office see the TFA bylaws.
The President is the chief executive officer, chief administrator, and general spokesperson for the Association. Responsibilities include chairing all General Membership Meetings and meetings of the Executive Committee. They are responsible, in conjunction with the Executive, for the effective operation of the Association, and, with the treasurer, for the accounting of TFA funds. As spokesperson for the TFA, the president normally represents the TFA at CAUT and/or OCUFA, acts as liaison between the TFA and other unions or organizations at the university, and represents the TFA as a voting member of the Academic Council of the University. For a complete list of all duties and responsibilities of the present see the TFA bylaws 10.7.
The Vice-President Internal chairs the Representatives’ Council and is responsible, among other duties, for calling meetings of the Council, preparing and circulating the Council’s agenda, and keeping a record of Council proceedings. The VP Internal also acts as a liaison between the TFA and other University organizations and between the TFA Executive and Members who represent the TFA on various University committees. For a complete list of all duties and responsibilities see the TFA bylaws 10.8.
The Vice-President External represents the TFA on various bodies external to the University, including the CAUT and/or the OCUFA. Where appropriate they monitor developments in the faculty associations of other universities and stay informed on legislative and regulatory developments at the provincial and national levels. They also bring to the attention of the Executive or other levels of the TFA appropriate requests for financial and other aid from other faculty associations. Ad hoc committees that address issues external to the University are chaired and recorded by the VP External. They report at least once a year, or by request, to the Representatives’ Council on matters external to the University. A complete description of all duties of the office can be found in the TFA Bylaws 10.9.
The Treasurer is responsible for TFA financial obligations. The Treasurer, in consultation with the TFA Executive, prepares an annual budget for approval at the Annual General Meeting and prepares statements for auditing.
The Health and Safety Officer represents the Association on the Joint Occupational and Safety Committee and works with the Representatives’ Council on matters relating to the occupational health and safety of members.
The Secretary is the custodian of all books, papers, records, documents, contracts, and correspondence belonging to the TFA. Their duties include, but are not limited to, keeping an impartial account of all proceedings of membership and Executive meetings, seeing these proceedings are distributed to members in a timely fashion, answering and keeping record of correspondence on behalf of the TFA. The Secretary assumes primary editorial responsibility for communications with members as determined by the Executive. For a complete description of all the duties of the Secretary see TFA Bylaws 10.10.
The Grievance Chair oversees the handling and processing of all grievances and other related actions undertaken by the Association and/or its Members to enforce the Collective Agreement.
The Chair of Professional Affairs takes a leadership role in promoting creative and collegial exchange amongst Members and between Members and other professionals through such measures as determined by the Professional Affairs Committee.
One Member at Large attends, as an observer, all meetings of the Board of Governors. The other Member attends, as an observer, all meetings of the Senate of the University.
One Member at Large attends, as an observer, all meetings of the Board of Governors. The other Member attends, as an observer, all meetings of the Senate of the University.